Audiology Workshop & Needs Assessment
From all over Pakistan, thirty professionals came to Lahore for the second Audiology Updates Workshop at Pearl Continental Hotel. New strategies for daily work with patients were shared over two days, and Alejandra Kontides equipped participants with the latest advances in audiological practice. The special focus was put on objective measurement methods in a fitting workflow and on the importance of understanding the intersections of Audiology and Speech Language Pathology for the successful speech development of a child.
PCHR Touchpoint “Family Education & Translation Projects”
Giving families the skills to help children with hearing impairment develop speech was the focus of a recent PCHR Touchpoint in Pakistan. This meeting began a deeper training and mentoring program on the important role of families in the speech and language development of their children. As a first stage the Professional Certificate in Hearing Rehabilitation participants will start adapting relevant (re)habilitation resources for the training of concerned families in Pakistan.
New-born Hearing Screening for Karachi
Four experts from Ziauddin Hospital Karachi will expand new-born hearing screening services in Pakistan’s most populace city. Over a week of training from various experts including Dr Nadeem Mukhtar, Dr Nouman Shah, Dr Mehdi Muntazar Raza, and Amber Rashid, the participants gained the skills to conduct the new-born hearing screening pilot programme in the city. At the conclusion of the training, the hospital was presented with both hearing screening and diagnostic devices.
TBL Support for the University of Lahore
Dissecting the temporal bone gives ENT surgeons the opportunity to examine the delicate anatomy around the ear and practice critical procedures for restoring hearing. On Sunday May 28 five ENT surgeons from Pakistan participated in a Temporal Bone Workshop conducted by the ENT department of the University of Lahore. The Workshop took place in the TBL training facilities which have been newly upgraded by the Hearing Healthcare Alliance to enable a state-of-the-art training for the participants.
Equipping Clinics with New-born Hearing Screening Devices
Clinics in Lahore and Gambat have added new hearing screening devices to their offerings. Between March 12 and 21 the Ear Foundation Pakistan handed over these devices to representatives of the clinics that participate in the new-born hearing screening pilot program initiated by the Hearing Healthcare Alliance.
Professional Certificate in Hearing Rehabilitation, Pakistan
Sharing the power of language was a major theme of the April PCHR in Pakistan. Speech and Language Therapists from Pakistan workshopped techniques to improve the communication and life experience of children with hearing impairment over six days with the guidance of MED-EL’s in-house rehab experts. Each participant shared a video of a real therapy session which the course then deconstructed minute by minute according to cutting-edge scientific principles.
Guest Lecture at University of Applied Sciences Krems
Lessons from the HHA are helping to prepare the next generation of health professionals to create new, life-changing programmes. Dr Christian Steppan gave a guest lecture to the students of the Master of Applied Health Sciences at University of Applied Sciences Krems on the worldwide benefits of public private partnerships in health sciences. Dr Steppan argued that improving the health systems of partner countries improves health outcomes for individuals in need.
WHO World Hearing Day 2023
Ear and Hearing Care for all – let’s make it a reality! Happy World Hearing Day!
Today we celebrate human hearing, together with the WHO, and stress the importance of prevention and treatment of hearing loss and especially better access to hearing aid for all.
PCHR Video Workshops
The Professional Certificate in Hearing Rehabilitation (PCHR) is building a highly trained workforce of specialists in Pakistan who will support those with hearing impairment in their rehabilitation journey. In mid-January, the second session of the PCHR took place over 6 half-days of online workshops. The expert team of speech and language therapists from Pakistan shared their practical experiences with each other by analysing videos of real sessions with their patients.
Temporal Bone Workshop Lahore #2
Hands-on workshops are preparing surgeons in Pakistan for advanced procedures to restore hearing. On 16 January Ear Foundation Pakistan hosted the hands-On Temporal Bone Dissection Workshop Lahore in Audiology Centre. International experts led by Dr. Iqbal Khan from the Bradford Royal Infirmary Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust in UK trained six ENT surgeons.