Opening Temporal Bone Lab & Otology Training Hub in Tanzania

Continuing to grow the skill base of ENT surgeons in East Africa, the HHA opened a Temporal Bone Laboratory (TBL) at the Muhimbili National Hospital in Tanzania on 17 February 2023. The TBL will enable workshops on advanced surgical procedures for the delicate bones in and around the ear, including hearing implants. Alongside the opening ceremony, the first such workshop provided twelve surgeons with hands-on experience dissecting the temporal bone.
Africa Day 2023

On January 31 the Austrian Federal Economic Chamber (WKO) hosted the Africa Day 2023 in Vienna. Sebastian Holler (MED-EL) and Astrid Taus (ICEP) were invited to introduce the international audience to the Hearing Healthcare Alliance, its vision and implementation.
Scientific Paper Presented at IFOS 2023

The first scientific paper stemming from the Hearing Healthcare Alliance’s activities, presented by Peter Böttcher (Path Medical) at the IFOS ENT World Congress 2023 in Dubai, was a wonderful validation of the HHA’s work. The study examines the outcome of three identically implemented Newborn Hearing Screening projects.
Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment in Senegal

Hearing healthcare professionals gathered in Senegal for the Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment course between 24 and 29 October 2022. Experts from across the West Sub-Saharan region as well as the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine led sessions on the capacity for public health principles to address ear and hearing care in the region.
Temporal Bone Dissection Course

Together with the partner organisations “FONDATION ORL” and the “SIORL”, the Hearing Healthcare Alliance achieved another project milestone by the implementation of a Temporal Bone Dissection Otology Training Course in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire.
Kick-off Mali & NHS Training

The Hearing Healthcare Alliance is happy to have started its activities in Mali in cooperation with its local partner the Collège National d’ORL au Mali (National ENT college in Mali). The kick-off event took place on 5th and 6th May.
Kick-off Senegal & NHS Training

In Senegal, the activities of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance supported by its local partner DEGUE association started on 28th of March with a two-day training workshop on newborn hearing screening, which took place at Cheikh Anta Diop University.
Kick-off Benin & NHS Training

In Benin, the Hearing Healthcare Alliance supported by the GEReSBe started its activities with a two-day meeting and workshop devoted to the project launch and newborn hearing screening programme, which took place on 15-16 March.
Project Launch English-speaking SSA

Activities of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance officially started in Kenya with a 3-day international workshop in Nairobi introducing the Alliance and devoted to the set-up of a BSc (Bachelor of science) programme in Audiology and Speech pathology.
Hearing Healthcare Project Launch

An unprecedented event marked the launch of an unprecedented Project: the activity of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance was officially started on the 22nd of February.