Ear and Hearing Camp in rural Punjab

On 14 December 2024 a free of charge Ear and Hearing Support Camp was organized in Rural Health Centre, Village Muhammad Pura, District Nanaka Sahib, Punjab. This initiative had a goal to address the growing need for accessible ear and hearing care, as well as to raise awareness, provide comprehensive hearing assessments, and offer solutions to improve the quality of life for individuals with hearing challenges.
Pakistani Surgeons joined International Otology Workshop in Slovakia

Three ENT surgeons from Pakistan Mr. Raza Sayed Nusrat, Mr. Iqbal Mahid and Mr. Sohail Khan participated in the 8th International Otology Workshop with real temporal bones, which started in Vienna and then took place in Bratislava from 18 to 21 October 2024. The course was led by its director, a world-renown expert in Otorhinolaryngology and the head of the Bratislava Faculty Hospital, Pr. MUDr. Milan Profant. Other experienced international experts in the field also gave theoretical presentations and shared practical know-how with the participants.
Newborn Hearing Screening Workshop in Lahore

International newborn hearing screening expert Peter Böttcher from Path Medical held a two-day hands-on workshop on newborn hearing screening and tracking in Lahore on 25 and 26 November.
Graduation of PCHR Karachi group

The second group of 10 Pakistani speech therapists finished the intensive one-year PCHR training programme in Karachi on November 6.
Discussing Newborn Hearing Screening with the Health Minister of Ethiopia

The stakeholders of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance in Ethiopia and the Austrian Ambassador in Ethiopia, H. E. Dr. Simone Knapp, on 23 October 2024, had the great honour to discuss with the Minister of Health of Ethiopia, H.E. Dr. Mekdes Daba, the future of Newborn Hearing Screening in the country and its importance for people with hearing loss.
120 caretakers trained by Pakistani speech therapists

As a result of the training of trainers approach undertaken by the Hearing Healthcare Alliance an impressive number of 120 caretakers all over Pakistan received a much-needed training in May and June 2024. Ten speech therapists empowered by the professional training programme within the HHA’s Project successfully led these workshops.
Africa Summit on Hearing Impairment.

An unprecedented historical event took place on 7th -8th of October 2024 in Nairobi, Kenia. It was organized by HHA and supported by the WHO-African Region, Hearing Group, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Kenyan Ear, Nose and Throat Society, University of Nairobi, MED-EL and Path Medical.
The Summit represented a unique opportunity for international experts, professionals, and policymakers from approximately 20 Sub-Saharan African countries to come together, foster collaboration, share knowledge, and develop actionable strategies for the systematic treatment of hearing impairment.
News from Proyash Institute

A momentous meeting took place in September in Proyash Institute in Dhaka. This event put together decision-making authorities of the institute, managers of the Austrian Hearing Healthcare Alliance (HHA) and the students of the educational programme, which they support. As the need in professional audiologists and speech therapists is vital in Bangladesh, a university degree programme to support these specialists with up-to-date theoretical knowledge and practical skills has already been successfully running in the country for several years.
PDAHD Audiology Workshop in Lahore

A new Professional Diploma on Audiology and Hearing Devices was launched in Pakistan with the first onsite workshop held from 30 September to 2 October in Lahore. Under the guidance of Philipp Schörg from University Hospital St. Pölten (Austria), 16 audiologists received extensive hands-on training on various audiological devices.
The main goal of this programme is to provide local audiologists with advanced professional skills and extensive specialized knowledge, thus enhancing the hearing healthcare sector of Pakistan.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Mid-term Evaluation of the HHA

The Application Period for the mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Partnership “Empowering the Hearing Healthcare Sector in Developing and Emerging Countries” has opened. Please click on the arrow below to find the respective Terms of Reference.