Project Launch in Nepal

We are pleased to announce the launch of the project in Nepal, which took place from 26 to 30 May within the 12th SAARC-ENT Congress. The event started with the signing of the Memorandum of Understanding between the dean of the Institute of Medicine of Tribhuvan University and
Kick-off Mali & NHS Training

The Hearing Healthcare Alliance is happy to have started its activities in Mali in cooperation with its local partner the Collège National d’ORL au Mali (National ENT college in Mali). The kick-off event took place on 5th and 6th May.
Lancement au Mali

L’Alliance pour la santé auditive est heureuse d’avoir pu commencer ses activités au Mali. Le lancement a eu lieu le 5 et 6 mai. Soutenue par son partenaire local, le Collège National d’ORL au Mali,
Kick-off Senegal & NHS Training

In Senegal, the activities of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance supported by its local partner DEGUE association started on 28th of March with a two-day training workshop on newborn hearing screening, which took place at Cheikh Anta Diop University.
Lancement au Sénégal

Au Sénégal, les activités de l’Alliance pour la Santé Auditive soutenues par son association partenaire locale DEGUE ont débuté le 28 mars avec un atelier de formation de deux jours sur le dépistage auditif néonatal. Il s’est déroulé à l’Université Cheikh Anta Diop.
Lancement au Bénin

Au Bénin, l’Alliance pour la Santé Auditive, soutenue par le GEReSBE, a démarré ses activités par une réunion et un atelier de deux jours les 15 et 16 mars, consacrés au lancement du projet et au programme de dépistage auditif néonatal.
Kick-off Benin & NHS Training

In Benin, the Hearing Healthcare Alliance supported by the GEReSBe started its activities with a two-day meeting and workshop devoted to the project launch and newborn hearing screening programme, which took place on 15-16 March.
Project Launch English-speaking SSA

Activities of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance officially started in Kenya with a 3-day international workshop in Nairobi introducing the Alliance and devoted to the set-up of a BSc (Bachelor of science) programme in Audiology and Speech pathology.
Lancement du projet Afrique subsaharienne anglophone

Les activités de l’Alliance pour la Santé Auditive ont officiellement débuté au Kenya par un atelier international de trois jours à Nairobi, qui présentait l’Alliance et la mise en place d’un programme BSc (Bachelor en sciences) en Audiologie et Orthophonie.
Hearing Healthcare Project Launch

An unprecedented event marked the launch of an unprecedented Project: the activity of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance was officially started on the 22nd of February.