News from Proyash Institute

A momentous meeting took place in September in Proyash Institute in Dhaka. This event put together decision-making authorities of the institute, managers of the Austrian Hearing Healthcare Alliance (HHA) and the students of the educational programme, which they support. As the need in professional audiologists and speech therapists is vital in Bangladesh, a university degree programme to support these specialists with up-to-date theoretical knowledge and practical skills has already been successfully running in the country for several years.
Terms of Reference (ToR) for the Mid-term Evaluation of the HHA

The Application Period for the mid-term evaluation of the Strategic Partnership “Empowering the Hearing Healthcare Sector in Developing and Emerging Countries” has opened. Please click on the arrow below to find the respective Terms of Reference.
Family Hearing Workshops in Bhutan

Families play a vital role in the rehabilitation of children with hearing impairment. This was the theme of the HHA’s recent Family curriculum workshops in Bhutan attended by 15 parents and audiologists. The trainers who had previously graduates from MED-EL’s Professional Certificate in Hearing Rehabilitation led sessions on how to build a child’s agency with ‘power words’, the role of play in rehabilitation and other ways to support the development of hearing and language.
45,741 Hearing Screenings!

The HHA has screened 45741 infants for hearing loss! Congratulations to all who have contributed to this incredible milestone!
PCHR Certificates Awarded in Bhutan

The HHA was honoured to welcome the Austrian Ambassador to Bhutan, H.E. Katarina Wieser, from Austrian Embassy New Delhi to witness our work and present the certificates from the recent Professional Certificate in Hearing Rehabilitation!
Rehab Training for Families

The families of children with hearing impairment need specialised skills to give their loved ones the best start in life. This is why the HHA has developed the Family Curriculum Workshop to give the families of children with Hearing Aids and Cochlear Implants advanced techniques to support their rehabilitation.
“CI in Emerging Nations” Conference in Istanbul

ENT professionals from all over the world gathered in Istanbul to discuss how to improve access to hearing healthcare at the international conference “7th World Congress of Cochlear Implantation in Emerging Countries”. The Global CI Access Network hosted the 3-day conference between September 14 and 16 together with experts from all partner countries. Delegates presented on the key pillars of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance by giving examples of their implementation in their respective region.
Public Health Workshop for SAARC East

Systemic problems need systematic solutions. A Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment Workshop for Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal brought together a multidisciplinary cohort to tackle the knotty challenge of hearing loss in the region. Designed and taught by Prof. Andrew Smith of the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, the workshop focused on designing and implementing effective interventions into hearing loss.
Guest Lecture at University of Applied Sciences Krems

Lessons from the HHA are helping to prepare the next generation of health professionals to create new, life-changing programmes. Dr Christian Steppan gave a guest lecture to the students of the Master of Applied Health Sciences at University of Applied Sciences Krems on the worldwide benefits of public private partnerships in health sciences. Dr Steppan argued that improving the health systems of partner countries improves health outcomes for individuals in need.
WHO World Hearing Day 2023

Ear and Hearing Care for all – let’s make it a reality! Happy World Hearing Day!
Today we celebrate human hearing, together with the WHO, and stress the importance of prevention and treatment of hearing loss and especially better access to hearing aid for all.