Nepal Screening

The period from 22 to 26 November 2022 was marked by an unprecedented event in Nepal.
The official ceremony celebrated the handing over of one diagnostic and two newborn screening devices to the ENT department of Tribhuvan University Teaching Hospital. The special significance of the event was emphasized by the presence of the dean of the Institute of Medicine, Prof. Dr. Divya Singh Shah, and the campus chief, Prof. Dr. Arjun Prasad Lamichhane.
Opening Ceremony of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance

The official inauguration ceremony of the Hearing Healthcare Alliance in Pakistan took place on November 23, 2022 at Pearl Continental Hotel Lahore. Prof. Dr. Asim Iqbal, President of Ear Foundation Pakistan, and Mr. Sebastian Foidl, Area Manager at MED-EL, signed the Agreement of Cooperation.
Audiology Updates Workshop Lahore

Ten audiologists participated in the first Audiology Updates Workshop organized on November 20, 2022 by Ear Foundation Pakistan at Faletti’s Hotel Lahore and got trained on newborn hearing screening, hearing aids options, troubleshooting and learned how to deal with difficult cases.
Temporal Bone Workshop Lahore

The two days Temporal Bone dissection workshop from November 18-19, 2022 organized by Ear Foundation Pakistan at Audiology Centre Lahore consisted of Basic and Advance trainings conducted by Dr. Iqbal Khan from the Bradford Royal Infirmary Teaching Hospitals Foundation Trust in UK.
Bhutan Diagnostic Devices

The 18th November 2022 and the following three days became significant dates for the Bhutanese hearing healthcare development. To support the hearing healthcare system two diagnostic devices were handed over to the ENT/Audiology department of JDWNRH in Thimphu.
Bangladesh Audiology Lab

A remarkable event took place in Bangladesh on November 15-17 2022. An audiology laboratory for the audiology and speech language pathology university degree course at Proyash Institute in Dhaka was inaugurated. Some outstanding guests honoured the ceremony with their presence, including the Austrian commercial counselor Hans-Jörg Hörtnagl.
Newborn Hearing Screening Training

During the four days training from November 6-9, 2022, 19 audiologists from Lahore, Bahawalpur and Gambat were trained in conducting newborn hearing screenings and diagnostics in their clinics. The training entailed theoretical background and practical hands-on sessions.
Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment in Senegal

Hearing healthcare professionals gathered in Senegal for the Public Health Planning for Hearing Impairment course between 24 and 29 October 2022. Experts from across the West Sub-Saharan region as well as the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine led sessions on the capacity for public health principles to address ear and hearing care in the region.
Support for Temporal Bone Workshop at Rhinocon

Ear Foundation Pakistan supported the 5th Rhinocon 2022 from October 12-14, 2022 in Islamabad with equipment for Temporal Bone Dissection trainings. During the conference nine ENT surgeons were able to participate in the trainings powered by the Hearing Healthcare Alliance.
Support for Temporal Bone Workshop in Peshawar

In the course of the Hearing healthcare Alliance from September 24-25, 2022 the Ear Foundation Pakistan partnered up with KGMC/MTI-HMC Peshawar for the support of temporal bone workshops. Six ENT surgeons were trained in the workshop in Peshawar.